Monday, September 27, 2010

New Muslim Superhero...

Here is the first post for this blog.  I hope we have many more.  Anyways, this one comes via Perri Harris, adjunct instructor in Disability Studies here at SU.  She had a student of hers share this news story.  I haven't read the complete story, and it looks to be interesting, although it is not clear whether or not this character's disability is the source of his power or not.

AP - In this artwork provided by Liquid Comics, LLC, the "Sliver Scorpion" is shown. The new superhero is Muslim, who loses his legs in a tragic landmine accident and must learn to come to terms with the reality of his disability while learning to use his newfound power to fight for social inclusion, equity and justice. The "Silver Scorpion" is the first cross-cultural superhero with disabilities created by bringing together Syrian and American youth with disabilities in Damascus, Syria as part of the Open Hands Initiative’s inaugural Youth Ability Summit. (AP Photo/Liquid Comics, L.L.C.) NO SALES

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