Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Zombie and Disability Redux: James Jones and the Living Dead

This is a follow up on my previous brief post on Zombies and Disability (please know that I continue to search and have material for a few more entries).

Anyways, as reported in 2009, James Jones and the Living Dead is a "an Australian horror film written and shot entirely by people with a disability."  The film was conceived as part of a workshop series both as therapy and to teach new skills.  Horror film making as therapy.  Hmmm.... Very interesting!

I haven't been able to find much more information, but thanks to Maria 'Ria' Strong, she forwarded to me a link to the movie poster (see below) and the YouTube video.  Check it out!  Anyone else out there have any information on this, please let me know. 

Poster for new zombie flick
James Jones and the Living Dead

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